OpenHab2: Setting Up the Home Network Hardware
Setting Up the Home Network
Hey guys Matt here from and in this video we are going to be talking about the hardware in the network.
To start off let’s talk about the hardware we are going to be using in the network. But before we do that make sure you like this video because when each one of these 4 videos in the network series hits 100 likes I will release the video of setting up the home automation server with OpenHAB 2 sooner than it is planned. Anyway, the modem we are going to be using is the arris surfboard sb1641. Please note I will not be showing in detail how to setup the modem with the ISP because it is different with each ISP. This is an amazing modem and has many positive reviews all over the internet. Speaking of positive reviews the main router I chose also does, I chose the the TP-Link Archer C7. So these two devices take care of the basic network and for most people that's it for the network. But, since in my house there are a little bit more wired devices I'm going to need an ethernet switch and that is where the D-Link 16-Port gigabit ethernet switch comes into play. Lastly, since I want more wifi coverage, let me rephrase that since I need complete wifi coverage I am going to use these two Netgear AC1750’s. Now you might be asking why I need two more routers. Well these two devices have an access point feature in their software that allows them to act as wifi access points instead of routers and extend the range of the wifi network. The links to where to get all the hardware I will be using is in the description below.
First we are going to reset all the devices to factory settings. So we are going to connect our power strip to power, and then turn it on. The modem and switch don't get reset so we will skip those and move on to the routers starting with the main one the archer c7. Plug the power adapter into the power strip and into the router. Next press the power button in the back to turn it on, then wait a minute or two until the device powers on and the asterisk looking thing flashes slowly. After, press and hold the WPS/RESET button for more than 10 seconds until the SYS LED or Asterisk looking thing becomes a quick flash from a slow flash. Then release the button and wait for the Router to reboot to its factory default settings. Next we are going to reset the Netgear AC1750 so, first we are going to plug the power adapter into the powerstrip then into the device and press the power button into the on position. Then let the device boot for a minute or two. Once it is booted take a paperclip and press and hold the red button down for 10 seconds. Finally the device will reboot. Repeat this reset process for anymore AC1750’s or access points you may have.
To finish off the power distribution let's connect the D-Link ethernet switch to power and the Arris Modem to power, which is just connecting their power bricks to the power strip and then the other ends into the devices. Speaking of power this powerstrip is one that has a surge protector built in which is very important to protect all of the network hardware.
Now that everything is reset and set to as if it is brand new let's get to work. To test everything before we install it we are going to connect everything on a separate table. To start off let's talk about internet connection. Personally I have cable internet meaning that I get my internet from my ISP over a coaxial cable. Therefore I have a cable modem which is the first thing we are going to connect. So, I am going to take the coaxial cable from my ISP and plug it into the modem. Next up is the main router which again is the TP-Link Archer C7. To connect the devices together we are going to be using Cat6 ethernet cables and I got some in different colors to color code the network a little. To connect the modem and the router together I am going to use a red ethernet cable, so one end is going to go into the ethernet port of the modem and then the other end is going to go into the wan port of the archer c7. For most people this could conclude the network setup due to the fact that this could provide you enough wifi coverage and enough ethernet ports for all your wired devices. But, for me I require more of both of these devices so to solve the problem of more ethernet ports next we are going to connect the 16 port ethernet switch and to do so we are going to take a yellow ethernet cable and put one end into the first lan port of the router and the first ethernet port of the ethernet switch. After that let's tackle the problem of the wifi. The easiest way to determine how many access points you need is to just to assume where most of your devices are going to be as well as where you think the wifi needs to be stronger. So let's connect our two routers that we are going to use as wifi access points. The thing about these access points is that they are wired access points which means they require an ethernet connection to the network. So the places where I want these to increase the wifi need to have an ethernet connection of some sort. And I am lucky because they do, as I want to put one of these access points in my garage where I have an ethernet cable ran to and then I am going to put the other access point in my room where I have an ethernet jack that goes to the main network as well. But anyway for now we are going to use another cat6 cable for each of the access points and one end goes into the next available ethernet port of the switch and the other end goes into the wan port of the access point. Do this for as many access points you have. And that’s it for the hardware of the network. You do not necessarily have to use this exact setup as I have, but I have found it to work perfectly for the smart house and transmit data very fast and reliably. In the next video we are going to talk about the software and configuring all the devices! Alright thank you for watching and If you have any questions leave them in the comments section below or head over to where you have a better chance of it getting answered. Good Bye!