Control: Sprinkler Control MQTT OpenHAB ESP8266 Final Install
Sprinkler Control MQTT OpenHAB ESP8266
Final Install:
Hey guys Matt here from and in this video I am going to show you how to install the sprinkler system in your house.
First up let's go over the materials and tools we need to install this sprinkler system. For materials we are just going to need screws, black electrical tape and the sprinkler valve power adapter. As for tools we are going to need wire strippers, wire cutters, a screw gun with phillips bit, and a small flat screw driver. The links to all the materials and parts are over on my website, the link is in the description. Before we get to installing let’s talk about the actual sprinkler valves for a second, the valves I am using are Orbit sprinkler valves, the link to them is also on my website, but these valves have two leads that come out of them and they require at least 24v to trigger them and let the water through. Also, these valves are AC which means it does not matter the direction of the current. So, let's talk about how I have them wired. Like I mentioned in the demo video I am currently only using two valves, anyway of the valves I am using I have taken 1 lead from each of them and connected them together along with a yellow wire from a gray 3 conductor wire. Then I took each remaining lead from each valve and connected them to their own leads on the 3 conductor gray wire. This means on the gray 3 conductor wire is 1 common and 2 individual. The way I wired it just makes it use less wire because I only use three wires instead of four, but it is not the only way to wire it. With this sprinkler system I designed you can just directly connect each valve with its two leads to its own port on the device. I will talk more about this later when we connect the wires, I just wanted to give you an idea of my sprinkler valve setup in case you guys had any questions. Alright let’s get to installing the actual device. First we are going to connect the sprinkler valve power adapter. The power adapter I am using is a 25V AC power adapter from rainbird, link to it is on my website. This power adapter comes with a connector, so grab the wire cutters and cut it off. Then take the wire strippers and strip each lead. Once they are stripped then fold back each one so that way the exposed part is touching the insulation. Now grab the sprinkler system and using the small flat screw driver loosen the source terminal. Then take the power adapter wires and put them in the terminal red to plus and black to minus. After that use the small flat screwdriver and tighten the terminal. Now we are going to mount the device, so find a spot that is close to the sprinkler valve wire. Once you find a spot, pull out the PCB with the wires attached out of the case. Then grab your screw gun and screw in the 2 screws through the holes of the case. Great now the case is mounted! But, the screws are metal and the PCB sits really close to them, so put black electrical tape over the screws to reduce the risk of shorting out. You can now put the PCB back into the case. Now we are going to connect the sprinkler valve wires. So loose the terminals for the zones. As you recall from before I have three leads that go to my valves 1 common and two individuals. Since I have it this way I connected the yellow common wire to the minus side of the first terminal block. I connected it to that because all the minus sides of the terminal blocks are connected together as a common. Then I connected the individual wires to the plus side of the first and second terminal block. Another way of connecting the valves is to just take the leads from each valve and just connect them to the terminal blocks one lead into plus and one into minus. It does not matter which lead goes into plus and which one into minus. Once all the leads are tightened down take the lid and put it on the device. The last thing we have to do is plug it in so grab the 5 volt usb power brick and the sprinkler valve power adapter and plug them into power. Great! That is it for the installation! Now grab your phone and go outside and test it out, go through each zone and see if it works. If it works then that is it, the sprinkler system is now complete and fully installed! Alright thank you for watching and If you have any questions leave them in the comments section below or head over to where you have a better chance of it getting answered. Good Bye!