This is a kit to make your very own wifi openhab mqtt fire sensor. This fire sensor will tap into your pre-existing fire detectors and will send a MQTT message to the OpenHAB so you can tell if it went off. When I make the videos for this sensor we will also set it up that if this device goes off then you will get a notification on your mobile device, if you have openHAB cloud connector setup. This fire sensor will only work if you have a fire detector with interconnect functionality. An interconnected fire detector is usually one that is hardwired and runs off of mains power. This device will connect to the RED and WHITE wires of the fire detector.
Both the DIY Kit and Assembled device come with MK-FireSensor firmware version 2 installed so all you have to do is connect it to your server using your mobile phone.
Included in this kit:
2 pin Terminal |
x2 |
4 Pin Female Header |
x1 |
3 Pin Male Header |
x1 |
2 pin Jumper |
x1 |
5v to 3.3v Regulator |
x1 |
PC817 Optocoupler |
x1 |
10K Resistor |
x1 |
330 Ohm Resistor |
x1 |
1K Resistor |
x1 |
Esp8266 |
x1 |
x1 |
Plastic Enclosure |
x1 |
2 Conductor 22 Gauge Cable |
x2 |
Male USB Connector |
x1 |
Screws |
x2 |
Wall Tac |
x1 |
WHITE Heat shrink |
x1 |
Please also note: If you would like this kit put together for you, so all you have to do is plug it in and connect it to your OpenHAB or Home Assistant server then click the Assembled option in the dropdown.